Per the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), points for environmental performance targets,
“Are awarded where, following practical completion and prior to occupation, the owner/client has formally committed to a tuning process for all nominated building systems. At a minimum, the commitment must include quarterly adjustments and measurement for the first 12 months after occupation and a review of building system manufacturer warranties. The scope of the tuning works will determine the relevant tuning period.”
Concept Commissioning are adept in the detailed analyses of data collected from Building Monitoring Systems, in assessing whether building services are performing to design requirements. We combine this data with feedback from end-users during the tuning period in identifying deficiencies and then work with the building owner, designers and contractors in detailing rectification and retest requirements, culminating in end-user satisfaction.
We use the Commissioning Plan, created soon after our engagement and developed over the course of the project, to capture the commitment from the building owner to a requirement for a Building Tuning period, as well as laying out the roles and responsibilities associated with various parties. We provide guidance on:
Development of Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Manuals in accordance with approved Standards and guidelines
Development of Building Tuning Manuals or Building Tuning Plans in accordance with approved Standards and guidelines
Creation of the Building Tuning team and who should be involved
Verification of systems at full and part-load conditions
System performance against environmental performance targets
End-user feedback collection methods
Adjustment of systems where deficiencies have been identified